Plenary and Invited Speakers
Plenary Speakers (in alphabetical order)
Prof. Krishna Persaud, The University of Manchester (UK):
Reverse Engineering of Nature in the field of chemical sensors
Tesshi Shigemori, President of New Cosmos Co. (Japan):
Gas sensors - status and future trends for safety applications
Prof. Harry Tuller, Massachusetts Instiute of Technology (MIT) (USA):
Materials for High Temperature Electrochemical Applications
Invited Focussed Session Speakers (in alphabetical order)
Prof. Qurashi Ahsan-Ul-Haq, King Fahd University (Saudi Arabia):
Metal oxide sensors for petroleum industry
Dr. Nicolae Barsan, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany):
Fundamentals of metal oxide gas sensors
Prof. Marcel Bouvet, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne (France):
Multimodal gas detection by molecular materials
Prof. Prabir Dutta, The Ohio State University (USA):
Developing Strategies for Improving Selectivity and Sensitivity of Harsh Environment
Electrochemical Gas Sensors.
Prof. Stephane Evoy, University of Alberta (Canada):
Large-Scale Integration of Nanomechanical Sensors
Mrs. Angelika Hackner, EADS Deutschland GmbH (Germany):
Surface ionization detection of amine containing drugs in backgrounds of pharmaceuticals and extender materials
Prof. Hossam Haick, Israel Institute of Technology (Israel):
Chemical Sensors for Medical Applications
Prof. Tetsuya Haruyama, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan):
Designing an interface and cell for cellular biosensing
Prof. Christofer Hierold, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland):
CNT-based chemical sensors
Dr. Noriya Izu, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan):
Ceria - Fundamentals and Applications in Different Fields of Gas Sensors
Prof. Alberto Lamagna, INN Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (Argentina):
Gas sensitivity of different metal oxide nanostructured thin films
Prof. Jong-Heun Lee, Korea University (Korea):
Functional Nanostructures for Gas Sensors
Prof. Sanjay Mathur, Universität zu Köln (Germany):
Advances in nano-chemistry for chemical sensors
Prof. Arben Merkoçi, Institut Català de Nanotecnologia (Spain):
Nanomaterials-based Biosensors
Dr. Agata Michalska, University of Warsaw (Poland):
All Solid State Reference Electrodes
Dr. Anna Grazia Mignani, CNR - Institute of Apllied Physics (Italy):
Optical fiber spectroscopy for food quality and safety applications
Prof. Inkyu Park, KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea):
Hybrid nanofabrication for multifunctional nanowire sensor applications
Dr. Roland Pohle, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology (Germany):
Potentials of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUT)
and Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (FBAR) for Gas Sensing - an Industrial Point of View
Dr. Radislav A. Potyrailo, General Electric Global Research (USA):
MHz and GHz wireless chem/bio sensors for environmental, industrial, and security applications
Dr. Robert R. Romanosky, NETL - National Energy Technology Laboratory (USA):
Sensors for Fossil Energy Applications in Harsh Environments
Dr. Kathy Sahner, Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research (Germany):
Automotive Exhaust Gas Sensing - Current Trends
Prof. Hiroaki Shinohara, University of Toyama (Japan):
Novel cell-based biosensing with 2D-SPR imager
Prof. Yasuo Yoshimi, Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan):
Biomimetic sensors using 'gate effect' of molecularly imprinted polymer
Dr. Jens Zosel, Kurt-Schwabe-lnstitut für Mess- und Sensortechnik (Germany):
Recent developments in materials for potentiometric sensors